What’s the Page?

Who’s on the same page in your organization? Who’s not? Let’s start with this question.

What is “the page?”

Most organizations try to create a certain culture. “We’re an entrepreneurial organization!” or “We’re leading-edge innovators.” or “We’re all about quality.” or “We’re about empowering employees.”

All that’s well and good, but what’s the point? You’re entrepreneurial to do what? Your being innovative why? You’re about quality for what reason? You’re empowering employees to accomplish what?

You’re trying to create a certain culture or image or mindset or reputation, but don’t create those things for the sake of creating them. Start with defining the goal, the Vision, the purpose, the Mission – the “page.”

Maybe being entrepreneurial isn’t the best thing if you need operational excellence to compete. Maybe being leading-edge isn’t the best thing if your customers are risk-averse. Maybe quality being the top priority requires your cost per unit to rise above competitors. And maybe empowering employees isn’t the best thing if your company is poor at defining parameters for decision-making, holding others accountable, and rewarding risk.

I’m not saying these characteristics of culture aren’t important. I’m saying “don’t get the cart before the horse.”

Know who you want to become and where you want to go. Only then should you identify the culture you need to get there.

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