Core training for long-term success.
Provide staff with the skills and knowledge to be responsive and effective in addressing customer needs.
Help staff understand the impact of those interactions and relationships to organizational success.
Equip staff with the ability to effectively address customer issues and complaints.
Through our customized customer service training, our clients have received more consistently high levels of service across the organization, improved customer satisfaction, improved reputation for providing service in a customer-friendly manner, reduced customer complaints and conflicts, and improved employee satisfaction, customer service competency, and attitude.
CSS customer service training helps staff be more comfortable and confident in interacting with customers and better positioned to improve rapport and relationships.
- An understanding of the keys to customer satisfaction.
- Data showing the impact of customer satisfaction on an organization and the individual.
- Tips on how to communicate with Body Language and Tone of Voice.
- Techniques on How to Say “No” to the customer without the conversation blowing up!
- Tips on how to effectively set or manage customer expectations.
- Interaction techniques that promote handling a call or customer contact right the first time.
- A list of key phrases to adopt and others to avoid.
- Techniques to use to defuse the upset/complaining/angry customer