Understand the True Charlotte Customer Experience
Do you get complaints you didn’t expect?
Are you less than 100% certain that client e-mails are being returned, that staff are effective and respectful, and that the website is easy to navigate and puts your business in the best light?
If you answered “Yes” to even one of these questions, contact CSS.
We have performed thousands of Mystery Shops in the Carolinas for public and private organizations, and we paint a picture of your customer’s true experience.
To help you know what type of Mystery Shop research you need, consider these questions:
- Telephone Shops – Do your phone systems and people deliver a great experience?
- Onsite Shops – Is your office or retail center experience simple and engaging, or does it drive customers away?
- Website Shops – Can customers quickly and easily find information, products, and answers on your website?
- E-mail Responsiveness Shops – Are client e-mail inquiries returned?
Don’t guess about the answers to these questions…KNOW the answers to these questions.
Fill out the form to the right to Request a Call to discuss your customer’s experience.
Interested in Becoming a CSS Mystery Shopper?
In your e-mail, let us know a little about your experience (types of shops, types of industries, etc.) and your general location. That would help us understand when to contact you about new projects – thanks!