Develop a strategy NOW to retain clients and sell more to them.
Don’t let customers leave without trying to keep them…and knowing they are considering leaving in the first place.
You must have retention strategies for customers.
We address the processes, people, and systems which you use uses to communicate with, retain, and sell additional product/services to existing clients. Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you truly know your clients well enough (in a clear, documented manner) to meet their unique needs?
- Do you allow relationships to go stale with a lack of proactive communications?
- Do you know your clients’ retention drivers?
- Are you selling enough to existing clients?
Develop customer retention strategies.
Our Client Relationship Development model helps us quickly assess how you systematically and effectively acquire and use your customer data to develop relationships with clients, retain/renew them, and grow sales with them.
Our combination of management and staff interviews, review of corporate documentation, analysis of databases/systems, and evaluation of retention and sales performance over time enables us to quickly evaluate current performance and map out a detailed plan for improving retention and sales.
- A comprehensive evaluation of your client relationship development efforts – fast!
- A targeted list of areas needing to be addressed, with specific recommendations to achieve the opportunity.
- Increased client retention.
- Increased sales to existing clients.
- In the end, you receive an overall plan to better acquire intelligence from, communicate with, retain, and sell more to your existing clients.