Have Resolve – 12/31/13 TOW

Are you going to exercise five days a week in 2014? How about giving up non-diet sodas? What about that 3 mile run every day? During the New Year, most people will talk about “New Year’s Resolutions.” Whether we/they make resolutions is one thing, and whether we keep them is entirely something else.

But the idea of “Resolution” or “having resolve” is a great concept. Resolve gets into determination, will, focus, being decisive, and inner strength. Resolve is a quality of many individuals who are great at customer service. Having Resolve means that when there are issues, you’re determined to fix them. You not only know what’s right, but you have the drive and desire (the will) to do what’s right.

Resolve means you have a focus on doing that which specifically needs to be done, and you have made a conscious decision to act. And Resolve is an inner strength that you have that can handle all those people, all those external challenges, all those curve balls thrown your way that can get you “off task.”

As we wade into 2014, keep in mind that there will be many tough tasks that you’ll be assigned. There will be many difficult customer and co-worker conversations and relationships. You’ll have the stretch goals and the physical and emotional challenges. But you can successfully get through those tougher times. You can come out on the back end with a smile and with accomplishment. You can succeed.

You can face the challenges of the New Year, if you Have Resolve.

Posted on in Customer Service Tip of the Week

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