Build Strong Customer Connections – 8/6/24

We’ve worked in health care, education, local government, finance, pro sports, and many other industries.  And while our clients’ customers are often different, their specific scenarios for engaging those customers are different, and policies and procedures are different – there’s one thing that is pretty similar.  And that is how you build and grow relationships with customers.

The process is not necessarily sequential, but let’s view it through that lens just for simplicity’s sake.  First, the core of relationship development and growth with customers is getting to know them well.  What is unique about them as an individual?  What do they care most about in the customer experience?  What are their engagement or purchase patterns?  To build a relationship, you have to build an inventory of knowledge about the customer.

Next, you’ve got to keep the communications going.  Long periods of lack of engagement, major gaps between conversations or touch points – these are opportunities for the relationships to go stale.  These are opportunities for the customer to find an alternative to your business.  Therefore, intentionally build a cadence of communications with your customers so that the relationship and the engagement stay fresh.

Why did they first start working with you, and why would they leave?  Understand those retention drivers – what matters most to them – and try to address those important matters.  If you’re shooting for loyalty and eventual growth, don’t get lost in the hundreds of data points you have on that individual if there are 1 or 2 or 3 that are going to retain them.

Finally, look for opportunities for growth.  If you’ve done a good job getting to know them, keeping communications fresh, and addressing their retention drivers, then you can feel more confident in trying to grow business, trying to grow that relationship.  Then you can focus on identifying where they have a need or a want that your organization can meet.

Have an intentional process for building relationships with your customers for the long-term.

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