Of Cash, Customer, and Culture – The Goldman Sachs Exit

What is Corporate Greed? One way to define it is simply that all that matters is the company and making money – the benefit to the customer is irrelevant. In the article Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs, Greg Smith announces why he left a high paying job and a company he had represented for almost 12 years – Goldman Sachs.

Read the article – click above. I’m not going to say much on it since it largely speaks for itself.

But the salient customer service point is that the question “How will this benefit the customer?” is not the core of the decision-making process at Goldman Sachs, not even a part of the decision-making process. In fact, it might be the opposite of the question asked in the decision-making process.

If you want a culture of customer service – a culture that employees can take pride in – put that question back into the heart of your discussion.

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Posted on in Business Advice, World of Customer Service

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