Patience is a…pain in the neck. Why is it so hard to be patient? Those of us who work in customer service know that we constantly have to show patience with our customers. We’re ready to move to the next step or the solution because we’ve heard this issue 100 times, but the customer is still telling their story, and they waited 15 minutes on the phone to get to us, so they don’t exactly want to get rushed through their opening statement.
We’re ready to end the meeting, but our boss decides to wax eloquent about something she did in college that deals with fishing or football or physics, and we’re supposed to somehow relate this to our day-to-day job. So, we have to be patient.
Our new co-worker asks 1,000 questions, and we have 1,000 answers, but we don’t have 1,000 hours. We have to be patient.
Patience Quotes
Cato said that “Patience is the greatest of all virtues.”
Kierkegaard said “Patience is necessary, and one cannot reap immediately where one has sown.”
There’s an old saying that “Patience doesn’t always help, but impatience never does.”
And here’s my favorite – from Lec. I have no idea who he/she is, but it’s a good quote: “You have to have a lot of patience to learn patience.”
Patience Tests
For many of us, the skills that we need to learn most are the skills that are most tested. And when it comes to personal interactions with people less knowledgeable on a topic than we are in customer service, people who are a little bit more anxious or upset, people who don’t quite appreciate all the different plates we have spinning at any given point in time – those types of conversations require extra patience.
Patience Positives
So when you show patience, realize you are doing something virtuous. Realize that it might not reap you any immediate benefits, but it will help down the road. Realize that showing impatience and interrupting others rarely leads to the right tone and a positive outcome. And realize that you’re likely showing a lot of patience when you’re put in positions where you’re having to learn patience.
Patience is…a virtue in customer service.
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