Notice the Little Changes – 9/24/24

“My, how times have changed.”

Yes, times have changed.  As a matter of fact, one of the biggest reasons why an organization’s customer service deteriorates is that times have changed…customers have changed…and the company has not…

If we think about customer service delivery today v. decades ago, changes in technology alone have affected consumer expectations, methods of communications, level of engagement or interest, and the effort customers have to put in to gather information.

What’s Changed in the Past Year?

But let’s look in a shorter window than “decades.”  Let’s think about the last 12 months.  If part of delivering great customer service is to continuously try to improve, here’s a quick question to ask yourself to identify improvement opportunities: What about your customers has changed in the last 12 months?

Really dive into this question.  Has your mix of customers changed, by age, by some other demographic, by preferred communication method, by first-time customers v. long-term customers, by the attributes they expect to get out of the actual product or service you’re providing?

Has their satisfaction level with your organization gone up or down in the last 12 months?  Have competitors become stronger or weaker in your customer’s eyes in the last 12 months?  Are customers more likely to seek an answer via AI before giving you a call?

Improve Based on Changes You’ve Identified

Based on your answers to these questions, see what unique opportunities you can uncover…

If your customer base becomes older – with a higher percentage aged 60+ – have you adjusted your approach to callers or walk-ins?

If your customers are more focused on the experience they receive, not just the product or service itself, have you modified how you greet them on the phone or in-person, how quickly you respond to them, how intuitive your mobile app is, how self-evident it is to navigate your facility, and how you gauge your own performance?

If your customers are using AI before they contact you, how proficient are you with AI?  If they are getting their basic questions answered before calling using AI, have you prepared to deal with more educated customers, more complex questions and scenarios than you were a year ago?

Sit back for a few minutes, and think about what is different from a year ago, particularly with your customers. Use this information to improve.

My, how times have changed.

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Posted on in Customer Service Tip of the Week

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